- Java is an object-oriented applications programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in the early 1990s.
- Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode, although compilation to native machine code is also possible.
- At runtime, bytecode is usually either interpreted or compiled to native code for execution.
- Java started as a project called "Oak".
- The first public implementation was Java 1.0 in 1995.
- 2006, Sun released parts of Java as free/open source software, under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Java=> Java bytecode: portable
Java=>Native code: fast
Java=> Java bytecode: JIT compilation and dynamic recompilation allow Java programs to take advantage of the speed of native code without losing portability.
- Write Once, Run Anywhere: write a program once, compile it once, and run it anywhere.
- Automatic garbage collection
Extensions and related architectures
- Java EE (previously J2EE) (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition—for distributed enterprise applications)
- Java ME (previously J2ME) (Java Platform, Micro Edition—for PDAs and cellular phones)
- JMF (Java Media Framework)
- JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)
- JSML (Java Speech API Markup Language)
- JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity)
- JDO (Java Data Objects)
- JAI (Java Advanced Imaging)
- JAIN (Java API for Integrated Networks)
- JDMK (Java Dynamic Management Kit)
- Jini (a network architecture for the construction of federated distributed systems)
- Jiro
- Java Card (Java for smart cards)
- JavaSpaces
- JML (Java Modeling Language)
- JMI (Java Metadata Interface)
- JMX (Java Management Extensions)
- JSP (JavaServer Pages)
- JSF (JavaServer Faces)
- JNI (Java Native Interface)
- JXTA (Open Protocols for Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Virtual Network)
- Java 3D (A high level API for 3D graphics programming)
- JOGL (Java OpenGL—A low level API for 3D graphics programming, using OpenGL)
- LWJGL (Light Weight Java Game Library—A low level API providing access to OpenGL, OpenAL and various input devices)
- OSGi (Dynamic Service Management and Remote Maintenance)
- JMonkey Engine (High performance scene graph based 3D engine)
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