Sep 26, 2007

TCP/IP Protocol

4. Application DNS, TFTP, TLS/SSL, FTP, Gopher, HTTP, IMAP, IRC, NNTP, POP3, SIP, SMTP, SNMP, SSH, TELNET, ECHO, BitTorrent, RTP, PNRP, rlogin, ENRP, …
Routing protocols like BGP, which for a variety of reasons run over TCP, may also be considered part of the application or network layer.
3. Transport TCP, UDP, DCCP, SCTP, IL, RUDP, …
2. Internet Routing protocols like OSPF, which run over IP, are also to be considered part of the network layer, as they provide path selection. ICMP and IGMP run over IP and are considered part of the network layer, as they provide control information.
IP (IPv4, IPv6)
ARP and RARP operate underneath IP but above the link layer so they belong somewhere in between.
1. Network access Ethernet, Wi-Fi, token ring, PPP, SLIP, FDDI, ATM, Frame Relay, SMDS, …

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